Category: Uncategorized

  • Display Preparation

    Preparation for our Winter display is well under way. Car packed ready for staging tomorrow afternoon.

  • Frozen Bonsai

    A word of warning to our members! This cold snap is proving stubborn and care must be taken with your bonsai. Normally an overnight freeze isn’t an issue for your trees but for the last few days the soil in the pots has remained frozen during the day as well. This is when problems occur.…

  • Just a few days to go…

    Just a few days left before our Winter display. Here’s a reminder of the details and a few more of the trees that will be there.

  • Bonsai Garage November 2010

    Usually on the last Friday in the month some of the club members get together in my garage to work on trees that I remodeled using the best make over advice from online. This allows for more mess to be made and even some carving. This month some time was given over to preparation…

  • Winter Display Tree #4