New Case Study for the New Year
We’ve just added another case study to the the site. To see the progression of this Yamadori Scot’s Pine from 1998 to 2010, or should I say 2011 now, just click on the image below. If you just want to watch the progression on video then this is for you.
Snow and More Snow
Northern Ireland has just had it’s worst snowfall for 25 years. This may all be very pretty to look at as some of these photos show, but care must be taken with our trees in this type of weather. Click here for a full article on Winter Care. Some of the photos below show trees…
Ready for 2011
Well, after our AGM we are now all set for 2011. We have had a good year with two very successful displays and an ever increasing membership. We even picked up a new member at the AGM, which is a first in my memory! This year has seem our website expand and increase in popularity.…
Juniper for Tomorrow Night’s Meeting
This Juniperus Squamata will be at the meeting tomorrow night for wiring and styling. We’ll be talking through the wiring and bending techniques required to bend the heavier branch at the top.
Winter Display Set Up
Today was a busy day for our members setting up our display and demo at Dobbies Garden Centre. It’s not a big space but we wanted to have a mixture of trees in their Winter glory, and even try and get a little colour in there too. I think we achieved that. Here’s the day…