Category: Uncategorized

  • School Day!!

    All set for Bonsai School Today. Bell rings at 10am ;-)

  • Getting ready for school

    With the Bonsai School fast approaching next weekend a few of us got together today to clear out the garage in preparation for the hordes arriving. Here’s the garage before…. and after clearing. We threw up some cloth to provide an uncluttered back drop. With around 20 people signed up for the day, we’ll need…

  • Springs on the way

    As proof that Spring is thinking about making an appearance, here are a few buds on some of my bonsai.

  • New Book has arrived today

    I received my latest bonsai book today, Bonsai inspirations by Harry Harrington. Harry has allowed us to reproduce a few of his articles from his website here in our knowledge section. My first impressions of the book are very positive. I haven’t found a book similar to this in style and content for a…

  • Carrick Demo

    That’s to Ian B, I have a few more photos from the display and demo on Saturday. We were only given a 30 minute slot for the demo so I decided to style a small garden juniper to show people how to get started in bonsai. For a demo aimed at the general public, I…