Spring is Sprung?
After a few mild weeks buds are swelling and in a few cases, trees are pushing open strongly. The last 2 days where I live have been sunny blue sky but a frost during the night. It’s always a judgement call when to repot and when to lift them out from Winter protection. A late…
Bonsai School Handouts
The Handouts prepared for the Bonsai School by Peter Snart have been added to our Bonsai Knowledge tab above. Great information to help with repotting.
Sunday’s Workshop Review
The workshop started at 10am with 7 members taking part and a few extra hands available if required. Some of the participants had also attended the School on Saturday and were keen to get some repotting done. The day started off with Peter talking through the trees that were going to be the focus of…
Saturday’s Bonsai School in Review
I feel a bit of an imposter writing a review for Saturday. For personal reasons I was unable to be there. I do however have some photos from the day and have been speaking to some of the members who attended for feed back. The day started out at 9am with an hour set aside…
Drawing Breath after a hectic weekend
Saturday and Sunday saw the NIBS host Peter Snart of Willowbog Bonsai. Saturday was a new concept in bonsai learning for us. A day of ‘Bonsai school’ was held from 10am to 6pm. It was meant to finish at 5 but Peter was in full flow :-) Sunday was a workshop concentrating on repotting but…