Sad News
It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of a club member. John McPherson had been a bonsai enthusiast for many years but only joined the Society 4 years ago. He was a regular at our meetings and a great supporter of our school and workshops. A gentleman who will be…
Happy 30th Ben
A big Happy Birthday message from the club to Ben F who is 30 today. He won’t be at the meeting on Friday as he’s away back to the land of his kin for the weekend. Just to remind you what he looks like here he is, a bit of a before and after shot…
Merry Christmas from NIBS
To all the followers of our blog I’d like to wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas. See you all in the New Year.
Sad News
It is with great sadness that I post this. John McCourt, partner of member Sharon Green who passed away a few months ago, tragically died yesterday in an accident in Donegal. Our thoughts are with the family. John was without doubt a character and will be missed by us all.
We Have a Winner
I think we will all agree that we in NIBS owe a debt of gratitude to Ian Young, our chairman. We have all benefited from his willingness to help and his knowledge of bonsai. I can speak personally as one who has been a member of less than 1 year and have been greatly encouraged…