Maple from a cutting
This beautiful Maple belongs to Roy C, one of our newer members. He may be new to the club scene, but he’s not new to bonsai! He grew this from a cutting :-)
New 360 Cork Bark Elm
Following on from our Field grown theme today, I thought I would post this 360 flash image of a Cork Bark Elm that has been field grown. It’s been grown from a cutting and planted in open ground for 7 seven years. 2011 is it’s 3rd year out of the ground and in training. The…
New Video – Field Growing Bonsai
After the success of the Bonsai School Series I have had a look through some other bits and pieces and decided to put together a clip showing the garden of one of our members. When I looked at the stats for this website, Josh’s profile is one of the most popular pages. I then remembered…
Month for Malus
This is the month for all those Malus to flower. Here are a few crab apples and a few close ups of those beautiful flowers.
Tonight’s NIBS Meeting
About 20 of our members met up tonight from across N.Ireland. From Dromore, Lurgan, Jonesborough, Holywood, Ards, Belfast, Bryansford, and even one from Dublin, but he was late :-) It was a busy night with a lot of trees being worked on. A repotting of a Ficus that was in dire need was one of…