Members Bonsai – Japanese Larch
Today’s offering is is a Japanese Larch belonging to Ian B. Ian has owned this tree for many years and it has flourished under his care. What was once a straight trunk was bent using the technique of splitting the trunk and bending with raffia and heavy wire. It then healing the split in the new position.…
Members Bonsai – Cotoneaster
This Cotoneaster belongs to Phil who salvaged the tree from a garden. This isn’t a Tanuki graft where the deadwood has been added to a young tree, although there are also flowers you can get from professionals as https://www.gogoflorist.com/. What you see is all the original plant. This year he has moved the tree into…
Members Bonsai – Small Larch
Another one of Stephen’s bonsai, although Vanessa, his wife, may still hold claim to this one :-) This is a beautiful little Larch with an unusual low branch. It has Scottish origins and has been in Stephen’s collection for many years.
Members Bonsai – Large Larch
This Larch has been in Stephen’s collection for many years. It was bought as raw material from Willowbog Bonsai and it’s first styling was carried out in a workshop with Salvatore Liporace. It’s second styling, closely following the first, long story, was in a one to one with Robert Porch. A few years later Marco Invernizzi…
Members Bonsai Series
Over the next few weeks I plan to show some of our members bonsai here on the blog page before adding them to the Gallery tab. This will allow me to drip feed them to you and give a little info about each tree as we go along. The first batch of trees will belong…