NIBS Spring Display
After the success of our Winter Display at Dobbies Garden Centre in Lisburn, we are repeating the process again at the end of the month. This time we will be holding it over two days instead of one. Demos will be taking place during both days and roughly 30 bonsai will be on display. The…
May Club Meeting This Friday
Just a reminder to our member sand anybody else who wants to come along, it’s our Society Meeting/Workshop this Friday at 8pm. Hope to see you there.
Members Bonsai – Cotoneaster
Another of Ian Y’s trees, this Cotoneaster is just reaching it’s peak of flowers this year.
Members Bonsai – Japanese Larch
Today we have a Japanese Larch from Ian Y. This tree will feature in our Spring Display at the end of the Month.
Members Bonsai – Chinese Elm
This Chinese Elm belongs to Roy B. Below are before and after photos taken during the week. It was overgrown and a major haircut was in order. I think that was achieved :-)