Last 3 From the Saturday Workshop
Putting these 3 out all at once. They are the last 3 videos from the Saturday workshop. Only only tree was missed out, sorry Bobby, the card on the camera mucked up and I missed most of it. Next up are the critiques of the trees from the Sunday workshop. Here we have Michael’s Scots…
Kind Words for NIBS
I thought I would share a snippet from Peter Warren’s latest blog post over on Saruyama Bonsai Blog A very enjoyable trip to Norn Iron was had, full details and more video, pictures and details than you can shake a stick at can be found courtesy of Mr. Eejit, the inimitable Ian Young. I must say…
September Meeting – New Members!
The person I felt sorry for last night at the meeting was Ian Bridgett our Treasurer. As well as having to collect in the workshop money for Peter Warren next month, he was over run with people wanting to join the club! Nick A and John McP were at their first meeting having joined during…
Show Reminder
A rather hectic weekend. For the first time I can remember the Belfast Parks Autumn Show clashes with out Meeting date. If you are local, why not pop down to Botanic Garden and see the Autumn Flower Show including about 30 Bonsai displayed by the club. Here are some photos of the set up in…
Summer Break
The club takes a well earned breather for the Summer. We have our usual input into the Rose Show in July with some of our members bonsai filling the competition classes. We are back in September with our monthly meeting and then we have Mr Peter Warren with us in October for our meeting and…