Robert Porch This Friday
This Friday sees the return of Robert Porch to Northern Ireland and we are lucky enough to him with us at our March meeting. Robert is a long standing honorary member of the NIBS and we are delighted to have welcome him back again this year. Robert at our May meeting last year.
Willowbog Weekend In Review
Just realised that I hadn’t posted here on the club site about the Willowbog Bonsai Weekend School and Workshop. Instead of covering old ground now at this stage, here are some links to members blogs who took part. Futter With Trees Bonsai Baker Bonsai eejit School Bonsai Eejit – Workshop
All Set Almost
All set for this weekends Willowbog Bonsai school. Only the chairs to collect, unless everyone wants to sit on the new carpet. Wipe your feet on the way in. :-)
School Dates 2013
Our first Willowbog Bonsai school is this coming weekend. The dates for 2nd & 3rd schools are 1st June and 26th October. Not too late to get signed up, we will even let you sign up on the morning of the first school this Saturday.
That’s More Like It!
After last months issues with road blocks and protesters, normal service was resumed this month. Over 25 members turned up for a busy night. Pot sales, workshop, videos, powerpoint……. action packed!! A warm welcome to Rodney on his first visit to the club.