NIBS: June Bonsai School
The second Bonsai school of 2015 is upon us soon. Saturday 6th June 10am to 5pm. We will have our usual sales and swap area for those members wanting to pick up a bargain and we have a packed session for you to enjoy. Tea/Coffee and biscuits provided all day. For those attending for the first…
Peter Warren Sunday Workshop
And finally the last day of the weekend and Peter works on some more trees. I’ll be honest and say that the trees are not the most important result of the day. The key aspect for me was the learning. Peter has some great advice to share, you just have to listen, and remember. Here’s…
Peter Warren Saturday Workshop
After a presentation at the club on the Friday night, Peter held a workshop on the Saturday and Sunday. Here are some snaps from the ‘goings on’ on the Saturday. A fun relaxed day but with plenty of teaching and preaching happening.
The Bonsai Experience 2015
Our Updated Poster for the up coming Bonsai Experience event. Please feel free to share this and spread the word. If you know of anyone interested in a free Children’s workshop, please book a place asap via the contact details provided.
Friday Night Lite
Just a few photos from Friday nights meeting when we had Peter Warren over from the big smoke, talking to us about exhibiting bonsai. With the club taking part in quite a few exhibitions this year, we thought it would be a good idea to give an overview to all our members on how to display…