George Taggart R.I.P.
It is with great sadness that I inform our members about the passing of George Taggart. George was a founding member of the NIBS back in 1986, past President and a long time member of the committee. George was made a honorary member roughly 8 years a go in recognition of his hard work in…
Connaught Bonsai Club Anyone?
Could it be that we could now bring bonsai into the last clubless Provence in Ireland?! Nearly 3 years ago we helped start the Munster Bonsai Club and a year year the Leinster Bonsai Club. Both are still going strong. Cork and Dublin are the main anchor cities for these clubs and therefore offer a good population…
Trip of a Life Time
One of our Club members was lucky enough to holiday in China last year and shared a few photos with us of the sights on his visit. Bonsai just sitting on the street and some nice garden displays. I have shared these here for you to see. Thanks Neil, Japan next time? ;-)
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!
Wishing all our followers a Happy New Year goes without says, however 2016 is a rather special Year for the Northern Ireland Bonsai Society. We celebrate 30 years of the club this year and to mark the event we are holding a special exhibition this September 17th & 18th at the Botanic Gardens in Belfast. The…
NIBS Trees At Bonsai Europa
Just a quick reminder that we have our club meeting tonight and part of our time will be given up to a look back at last weekends Bonsai Europa. The NIBS had 4 exhibits from club members in the show and can be seen below.