Promoting the art of Bonsai in Northern Ireland

Tree 14: False Cypress Landscape

dscf7972dsc_0004Tree Species: False Cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera Plumosa Dumosa)

Owner: Paul Homan – Leinster Bonsai Club 2015-16 and previous member of The Bonsai Section RHS Dublin (defunct) as far back as  1985.

Potter if Known: Mica

History: Paul’s own words, “While visiting a nursery 20 years ago I spotted this tight foliage plant and thought it might make interesting Bonsai material. I trained the plant and indeed it proved to be a fitting subject. The tree is hardy and survives the Dublin winters without any problems.”

This tree is about 6 years old and has been added as part of a rock landscape. The Mud Rock was locally sourced in Dublin and had great character.

The tree was selected for Bonsai30 as it is a beautiful bonsai using an unusual species. The inclusion of locally collected rock makes this a easy choice for a collected of bonsai representing Ireland. It also shows some of the history of bonsai in Ireland with Paul being a stalwart of bonsai in Dublin starting bonsai in 1983 and now a regular at the newly formed Leinster Bonsai Club founded in 2014 in partnership with NIBS.

A photo of small beginning with cutting of this species.


The original parent plant bought 20 years ago.


dsc_0003 dsc_0135


Paul and his little Chamaecyparis.